Bugatti Types |
When talking about old cars in general, it is common that their year of production is in focus. When talks are relating to Bugatti caryou do not talk so often about year, but instead on the vehicle type. The type number is a number that Ettore Bugatti assigned to their designs. This means that not only cars exist in the type series. A higher number indicates that the design is made later than a low number, even if no direct link exists between the type number and year of manufacture. A good summary of the various Bugatti Types on this page. The production years for each Type can be found here. |
Bugatti Bodies |
At the time when Bugatti cars were manufactured, it was common that chassis were manufactured by the factory, and then fitted with bodywork from independent body-builders, sometimes at the buyer's request. The Bugatti Works made their own bodies, but their chassis were often supplied with bodies from the nearby body builder Gangloff. All this means that originally a big variety of bodywork were manufactured on Bugatti cars. If you then consider that many cars undergone various renovations and remodeling in recent times, you will realize that it is very difficult to guess how a Bugatti Type looks. Possibly, one could assume that the cars developed for racing purposes, has retained its character of racing. |
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